*Ask J.D.*

24 Feb

With an extraordinarily diverse background and well-studied on all aspects of human behavior, I’ve been the go-to for advice with my friends on all matters of life. I offer honest and thoughtful advice that, so far, has yet to be unappreciated. I now open my services to the public at large. Totally free, my reward is that I hopefully help improve someone’s life, even in the smallest way-

4 Priceless Tenets to Live By

4 Aug

1. When in doubt, say nothing.


2. Trust that “gut feeling”. Your subconscious picks up on so much more than you realize.


3. With rare exception, less is almost always more. You can always add in the future, but never subtract from the past.


4. Try to please everyone and you please no one. Always do what YOU feel is correct.


The Dangerous Beauty of Nature

23 Jul

The Dangerous Beauty of Nature

Taken by Yours Truly in Edmond, Oklahoma, May 23, 2013. Three days after the Moore tornado struck a mere 25 miles away.

Less Is More.

7 Jul

Ladies. Less is always more. When in doubt, say nothing, do nothing. And don’t answer questions that were never asked. Words to live by.


“Groundhog Day.” Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell (1993).

29 Dec

groundhogHere’s why I like this movie, they kept it real. Of course, they had to have the lead character, Phil (Bill Murray), initially establish himself as something of a jerk. That way, we feel comfortable with his initial inclinations toward hostility when he realizes that each day is a repetition of February 2nd, thus he is living without consequences. Though deep down we would all probably punch Ned Needlemeyer in the face in a consequence-free environment, we are allowed to resonate with Murray’s character while still feeling a sense of moralistic distance. It is a truly genius commentary on human behavior…and simply delightful, if nothing else. Lighthearted comedy, love, humanity: Groundhog Day is simply delightful!


Great Advice — Controlling Your Reality

25 Dec

“I have nothing” can just as easily be turned into “I have nothing to lose.” Frame your life for success.

Why Romance Movies May or May Not Piss Me Off Right Now.

15 Dec

You know, as I sit here watching/scoffing at love movies like New Year’s Eve and Shrek because there’s nothing else on, (oh, and I call anything with a semblance of romance a “love movie” these days) I realize maybe they aren’t all total B.S. Because they all seem to have one thing in common and that is some initial and tragic heartbreak where we see our hero fall to the lowest of lows before, miraculously, in walks the true love of their life when the least expect it.


Well, now that I can officially say I’ve had my heart properly smashed into a million unrecognizable pieces, maybe I too have now earned that wildly unexpected [Enter TRUE LOVE stage left]. So instead of disdainfully mocking such films for being so ridiculously unrealistic, perhaps I should view them as inspiring hope that the real deal is waiting just around the corner. Guess we’ll see.

Who Could Disagree With This Platform??

25 Nov

STEP ONE: The Question.

Liberals and Conservatives can fight over their pet issues until they turn blue. But as I see it, there are only about 4 areas of policy that are realistically still up for debate:

  • The Economy/Social “Issues”

  • Foreign Policy

  • National Security

  • The Environment/Green Initiative

Am I wrong?? Do correct me if I am.

Continue reading

“To Build a Fire.”

21 Nov

Click the ALBUM COVER below to preview “Distance in the Way” and all of my other favorite songs: 


LA County’s Next District Attorney

25 Oct

Not only do I completely agree with all of Mr. Jackson’s policies and beliefs, I worked for him at the District Attorney’s office and can verify that he is 100% genuine and everything we need in a District Attorney. He’s a trial lawyer, not a politician, and Alan Jackson lives and breathes justice, honor, and humanity. I could not think of ANYONE more qualified to protect the citizens of Los Angeles County. Knowing this man personally, I can say without reservation, that no one else will work as earnestly and tirelessly to promote our safety and well-being as Alan Jackson. Be sure to vote for Alan Jackson on November 6th.


A Japanese Saying to Get You Through Hard Times…

25 Oct


“From the heart that is open and great love, great love comes further.”


Cracks me up every time.

16 Oct


Giving Bill Maher The Business

16 Oct

Giving Bill Maher The Business

Dear Mitt Romney,

9 Aug

Why give this newest ad validation by attempting to defend yourself by showing how supportive and caring you were when your wife had cancer? Not only is this, “Mitt Romney killed my wife and doesn’t care” smear campaign commercial completely misrepresenting the facts, even if they were true it doesn’t make one bit of sense.

The Advertisement: The husband, Joe Soptic, worked for Bain Capital, was laid off, lost his health insurance that was also covering his wife, she got cancer and died 22 days later. It’s Mitt Romney’s fault, and he doesn’t care that she died.

The Facts: The husband was let go when the company was shut down in 2001. His wife worked elsewhere and had her own health insurance through that employer until she left that job due to an injury to her rotator cuff. So her health coverage had nothing to do with her husband’s unemployment, she had her own until she chose to leave her job. And it was not until some FIVE YEARS after that, that she was diagnosed and subsequently died of cancer. At no point during those several years did the man or his wife purchase their own health insurance or apparently take advantage of any number of free or low-cost medical care options.

Now that we’ve got the facts straight, lets play make believe and pretend that this ad isn’t totally based on lies. Even if the story in this ad were true, I’m sorry, are they saying that employers are responsible for the health and welfare of former employees??? And their families? And for how long? Once you’ve worked somewhere that company or person owes you for life? Since when is this the case?? Last I checked, the obligations of an employer to an employee were severed once that relationship ceased to be. I don’t think that’s really up for debate, so what are they basing Romney’s alleged responsibility for this woman on?? Doesn’t anyone notice that this entire premise doesn’t make one bit of sense??

And the irony is, here is a pro-Obama advertisement holding Mitt Romney, the private sector, responsible for providing health care to individuals. Hold on a minute, doesn’t that fly in direct contradiction to Obama’s health care bill that asserts it is the government’s responsibility to provide health care?? I guess to Liberals, pretty much anyone and everyone BUT the individual is responsible for that individual’s well being. Pretty telling of just how needy and helpless the Left seems to believe Americans are. Guess we’re all just looking for a handout since none of us has the ability to take care of ourselves.

Having some integrity and being responsible adult, I purchased my own health care plan, and will be damned if I blame someone else for my poor choices.

To Joe Soptic: You have exploited your late wife, and used her story as the basis for flagrant lies and misrepresentations to make baseless allegations against Mitt Romney and nonsensically blame him for your wife dying from cancer. And all as a backhanded boost for the Obama campaign. This ad and your actions are truly abhorrent, have no decency and no place in civilized society. Shame on you sir.

The Chick-Fil-A Controversy: Who is the Real Victim of Discrimination Here?

8 Aug

Ugh. Again, misinformation and selective hyper-sensitivity continue to plague our society. What the man, a devout Catholic said on a religious talk show was that he “supports traditional marriage” as do all Catholics, Christians, Muslims and Jews, 48 of our wonderful states, and the federal government. I mean really, is that such a surprise that a Catholic supports traditional marriage?? And in fact, the term gay wasn’t even mentioned in the interview.

So why all the shock? Why not boycott all religions and the 48 states that don’t allow gay marriage? And since when did support of one thing become hate of another?? What kind of backwards self-serving logic is that? If I support the U.S., do I hate Canada? If I support women’s right to abortion do I HATE children?? I mean, that’s what you’re saying here, really.

This man simply stated his belief in traditional marriage as a Catholic, just as anyone would assume he would. Just as a homosexual would support gay marriage, no surprise there either. Would that mean they hate straight people? According to this logic, yes.

So in sum, the only hate or bigotry really going on here is that of those who are boycotting and protesting against Chick-Fil-A… because the owner is Catholic.

Explain how I’m wrong-

Liberal Ignorance Strikes Again

7 Aug

Ok, I just couldn’t help myself here. Here is an article I just read and my response (we’ll see if it gets approved)…


Mitt’s Campaign Is Just One Lie After Another

With the economy as bad as it is, you’d think Mitt could build a campaign around the truth.  But noooooooooooooooo!

It’s just one lie after another.  The “You didn’t build it” crap, the “Obama doesn’t want our brave servicemen and women to vote in Ohio” garbage, and now Mitt’s ad about welfare.

In response to states’ requests for more flexibility on welfare requirements, including from some GOP governors, the Obama administration said yes, which the GOP should view as a victory for states’ rights, one of their pet causes.

But Mitt is twisting this devolution of power to the states as Obama just letting more lazy people collect welfare checks, which is not what this is about at all.  And what better issue than welfare to get that racist subtext across?  He’s black, of course he wants to make it easier for people to collect welfare.

BTW, when Mitt was governor of Massachusetts, he requested waivers under the Clinton welfare reform law. If Mitt is so cavalier about lying to us now, anybody think he’ll be honest once he’s sitting in the Oval Office?

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

First of all let me compliment you and say that I absolutely love this article. It encapsulates the heart of liberal ignorance in such a compelling manner. To address a few of your points:

1. Obama did say of people with their own business “…you didn’t build that.”

2. As I am sure you are up on your Constitutional law, the 10th Amendment reserves certain “police powers” like *health, safety, and education to the states, as the individual states are in a better position to make these determinations for their citizenry. This is why Mr. Romney’s actions as governor of Mass are not contradictory, but well in line with traditional principles of state sovereignty.

3. The only people taking issue or even making mention of President Obama’s race are liberals. How ironic that Conservatives see and refer to our President in terms of his policy and practice, but the very first descriptor liberals use to reference him with regards to any issue is his being Black. Isn’t our president a little more than just a Black guy?? Give the man some credit. And this from his own party, how insulting. Really.

Anyway, I don’t mean to insult, and I do respect your enthusiasm, but your article just seemed a bit misinformed.



30 Dec

But he CAN afford to take time off work to protest (unlike 99% of Americans) and his friend there can afford an iPhone 4. Tough times for these two. Way to make a mockery of those Americans who really ARE suffering financial strife.


Occupy Wall Street? How about you occupy the unemployment office or Monster.com and do something productive with yourself?? Look, we all get it. The economy is awful. We all feel it. But it comes down to this: either endure or present a solution. This culture of self-entitlement and laziness is not only shameful but wholly counterproductive. Continue reading

The Arizona Immigration Law

22 Dec

Click Below to Read the PDF:

Senate Bill 1070: The Myth and The Law

The Lure of “the Ex”

8 Dec

Ok, most of us have been in this situation. You finally get to a point where you are over your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend. You are dating someone new and fabulous and life is just great. Then, all of a sudden (as luck would have it), your ex has suddenly had a change of heart (probably because he/she has heard you were dating again), and decides to wiggle back into your life. Continue reading

Man Protocol

8 Dec


      If don’t have the mind-reading abilities of Mel Gibson, there is still hope for you yet.  Here are some universal truths about what women want, and how to go about making it happen.


      Security. First and foremost, they want to feel safe, secure and protected. This is what I commonly refer to being a “take-care-of” guy.  Women want to feel safe when they are with a man. They want to feel that he can handle himself in any situation.  This is why women like confident men, because they feel comfortable and secure around someone who is secure in themselves. Continue reading

My Theory of Unilateral-Horizontal Attraction: A  theoretical cheat to knowing  who likes you.

8 Dec

I know this will sound a bit out there, but I swear to God tested and true.  Here’s the theory:

If someone is physically attracted to you, people who look like that person will also be attracted to you.

Continue reading

How to Be a Good Breaker-Upper

8 Dec

1. Don’t put it off when you know you want to. You aren’t doing anyone any favors by staying in a miserable situation. Continue reading

The Perfect Gift.

8 Dec

Having trouble figuring out what to buy that special someone, sibling, friend, or parent???

I’ve got you covered… Continue reading

How to be a Social Butterfly.

8 Dec

A How-to On Being That Guy/Girl Who Never Waits in Lines & Always Gets Hooked Up.  

1.  Always, ALWAYS be polite. Plus cool, calm and collected. Look everyone from the bouncer to the bartender in the eye, smile, and treat them like you’d treat a good friend. No one ever seems to consider the fact that most people treat bouncers and other service people like dirt and just a stepping stone to their ultimate goal.  “Please” and “thank you” are a must and again, will cause you to stand out. Continue reading

Best Cliche Action Movie Lines

8 Dec

 “Give me your badge, and your gun.” “You’ve got some vacation time comin up-“ 

                        “See you in hell.”… “You first!”

“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t just kill you right now.”

“I should have killed you when I had the chance!”

                               “It’s all over…give it up...” 

“Is that all you got?” / “Is that the best you can do?”

Continue reading

Why Don’t Women Just Say What They Mean??

7 Dec

“Are you mad??”  “No, I’m not mad…it’s fine.”

 Mystery Solved!

Do you ever get the sinking feeling that you might not be in your lady’s good graces? You ask if she is upset only for her to reply, “No, I’m not upset. It’s fine.”  Although she grants you these assuring words, you cannot help but feel that she is not being entirely truthful.  When you sense that palpable air of disdain envelope your exchange, your suspicion is likely correct.  She is indeed upset with you.

Why don’t women just say what they mean?? Well, as atavistic as it may seem, society has taught women that it is not particularly ladylike to express negative emotions such as anger.  In addition, woman is a highly introspective creature.  Quite often her reluctance to immediately publicize her thoughts and feelings is due to her wishing to take an aside and reflect upon the situation.  This includes self-evaluating the rationality of her feelings weighed against the potential benefit or detriment of broaching the subject.  In that same vein, she may thoughtfully choose to temper her emotions first before engaging in a dialogue.

“If you don’t have anything nice to say…”

            Whether or not she expresses herself verbally, women are masters of body language.  As we all know, approximately 80% of all communication is non-verbal.  Thus, even though she assures you she is not mad, your instincts may tell you that quite the opposite is true.  This is her body language slapping you upside the head.  Communication is of paramount importance in any relationship.  One would be wise to pay attention to the less direct, albeit utterly compelling signals that are often more candid about a person’s true state of mind than their words may be.

Therefore, gentlemen, do yourselves a favor and simply apologize.  One can never go wrong with an easy, “I’m sorry.”  Trite as it may be, these two words go miles with the fairer sex.  She will be most grateful for the gesture, flattered that you seem to understand her, and quick to forgive your transgression.

Why Presidential Term Limits Are Out-Dated and Counter-Productive.

31 Aug

     Term limits were initially put into place for fear of tyranny.  We, as a nation had just fought a brutal battle against our former oppressors across the pond and thus valued democracy and freedom from a single all-controlling entity above all else; and we had come by this honestly.  
     Before invention of the myriad of avenues of communication that now exist, the concern that one person might pull the puppet strings of our government  behind a curtain of secrecy and without limitation was certainly viable.  However, in this “information age” where mass media,  and public scrutiny are at their zenith, the fear that any one person could evade answering to the will of the people is simply atavistic.  If anything, we are all too quick to force resignation upon our public officials for “sexting” and other scandalous affairs.   Continue reading

The Emergency Tracheotomy: Something Everyone Should Know…Just in Case.

17 Aug

How to Perform an Emergency Tracheotomy

This procedure, technically called a cricothyroidotomy, should be undertaken only when a person with a throat obstruction is not able to breathe at all-no gasping sounds, no coughing-and only after you have attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver three times without dislodging the obstruction. If possible, someone should call for paramedics while you proceed. Continue reading

How to Quit Your Job. (With Class.)

15 Aug

Now, this can often be a fairly awkward situation as it sometimes feels like a break-up.  However, it doesn’t have to be.  Here’s what you do.

  1. Two weeks notice. Make sure you give the standard two-weeks notice or the otherwise reasonable amount of time depending on your particular job.  Of course, make sure that you have all your ducks in a row before leaving.  Your quitting shouldn’t leave your employer up shit-creek without a paddle.
  2. Do it at the end of the day.  This minimizes awkwardness, ensures time and attention, and will give your boss the rest of the evening to digest the situation.
  3. Be positive, smiling and energetic.  As the initiator, you have the power to set the tone of the meeting. So make it positive!! No need to start things off on a negative, awkward tone.  Set the tone with a smile and get them on board with your excitement.  In essence, no matter what you actually think their reaction will be, go into it with the attitude that they should be just as excited about this as you are– it would take a real heart of stone to resist mirroring your enthusiasm.
  4. The explanation. No need to go into a whole prolix speech about your reasons for leaving, keep it light and positive.  You can even play it like you weren’t looking but this wonderful opportunity just fell into your lap.  Here are some great phrases to keep it positive and avoid any potential for hurt feelings. Mix and match as you please… Continue reading

Criminality: Not a First Choice, But a Last Resort; and the Solution is Clear.

8 Jul

“Stay tuned for our segment, ‘Dumb Criminals’, right after the break.” Yes, Clearly. These Are Not People With a Myriad of Knowledge and Options.


   Why does the media insist on promoting segments of their antics by calling them “dumb criminals”??  I mean for redundancy’s sake!  Clearly the guy who is holding up a 7-11 for the grand score of about $64.00 was not the former valedictorian of his graduating class.  And aside from that .05% of criminals who are inherently evil, most all others are unwitting victims of circumstances not of their making.  It’s actually quite sad.  What we should be doing is not mock the resultant product, but focus our energies and resources into preventing it. Continue reading


7 Jul

Disclaimer: This list is certainly nowhere near comprehensive, but here are some of the most common signs and signals that should tip you off that a certain person is into you ~


1) Forcing a prolonged interaction. For example, you ask a simple question and they attempt to prolong the exchange by any amount of length after the question has been fully answered.

Continue reading

L.A. Steakhouse BESTS

7 Jul

Yes, we all know that these fine eateries can serve up a mean steak, but here are a few must-try specialties that you might not have known about… 

The Palm (Downtown): Best Crabcakes. Broiled not fried, and in my opinion the best crab to filler ratio.  These light, yet meaty and savory cakes are served with a mango salsa that is absolutely delightful. Continue reading

LA Nightlife Hot Spots in 15 Words or Less

23 Jun

Sunset Blvd…


DESCRIPTION: Upscale Lounge.  Non-Wanna-Be Spot; Legitimate Industry Patrons. Classy and Fun.   

8221 Sunset Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 656-1010   


DESCRIPTION: Breathtaking Views. Classy, Good-Looking, Highly International Crowd. Lounge & Dancing.

8440 sunset blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069
(323) 848-6025

Continue reading

Why Men Are So Shocked to Learn that Women Can Be Funny!!

22 Jun

Yep. Newsflash. Women are hilarious!

     …they just aren’t allowed to be if they ever want to bag a guy. Men pride themselves in their physical/athletic ability, problem solving capacity, and sense of humor over most all else when it comes to how they impress the fairer sex. So despite being equally comedically talented, women have learned not to outshine the boys in the humor department.

     This practice is reinforced every time a woman makes an awesome joke in mixed company, and is met wtih confused expressions as the men deliberate:

Surely she didn’t mean to be funny… so maybe she just doesn’t get it.  Ok, we’ll just pretend like she didn’t say anything so she doesn’t feel bad for being dumb.  Plus she’s cute, so we’ll let it slide.  

…Now, one of the dudes making that same joke, of course, would be deemed life of the party~

Best Music Videos Of All Time

22 Jun

Fear not, this is just the beginning of my list:

There is No “Still Friends” Immediately After a Break-Up.

22 Jun

    Once you break up with someone, no matter whose decision it was, you MUST give the relationship some time and space. Things need time to settle.  Attempting to go from lovers to  friends right away is a most naive proposition.  Most have come to this realization after their first few breakups.  However, for those who have yet to learn this painful lesson the hard way, by all means spare yourself by heeding my advice here. Continue reading

*Ask J.D.* – Giving Thoughtful  Advice on ANY TOPIC.

22 Jun

*Ask J.D.*

(Click *Ask J.D.* above to enter)

Trouble at home, work, wherever?? Just need general advice? Have any questions about one of my posts or need further clarification/explanation??  Do share.  I am happy to help.

“Ask J.D.” is an advice column by J.D. St. Michaels that covers an array of topics.  Offering realistic guidance and advice  for all of the obstacles life tends to throw at us.

Ex. Relationships, Work, Communication, School, Life…

Conflict Resolution

22 Jun

When the occasion arises, there is definitely a right way (or at least betterway) and a wrong way to resolve any point of contention.  Here are some basics to help you smoothly and amicably attain comity.

Continue reading

13 Excellent and EASY Ways to Lift Your Mood When Life Hands You Lemons.

18 Jun

  …and no, making lemonade isn’t one of them.  F*ck lemonade.  Here’s what you do-

   Quick Disclaimer: There is a lot more science and psychology behind many of these tips I’m about to give you, but being that I am neither vying for a Pulitzer nor trying to bore you to death, I am going to spare you most of that business and just hit you with it.  That work??  Great.  Here are some things you can do to instantly lift your mood. They work, and the more the merrier (so to speak). Ehem.

   Number one…

1. Force a Smile; Fake a Laugh. As silly as this sounds, it’s been scientifically proven that both smiling and laughter produce mood lifting chemicals in the brain…and so does FAKING it! No joke.  This physiological reaction is so deeply engrained in your system that even a fake smile, or fake laughter will trigger the release of serotonin, endorphins along with other mood and health boosting chemicals.

2. Smell the Roses.  Yes, certain scents can quickly and easily lift your mood.  The smell of fresh roses is a prime example.  Splurge and buy yourself a bouquet, it adds to the decor of any room, and you can take a big whiff every time you pass by. Also try: Rosemary, Basil, or Mint. Continue reading

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life.

18 Jun

We all know the classic maxim, “Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.”  Well think and act like the person you want to be.  Who is to tell you you’re wrong??

“Wait, you’re not an outgoing person.”

“I’m being outgoing now, aren’t I?”

   The phrase, “That’s not me,” is a logical fallacy.  What one is really saying is, “That is not the kind of choice I have made in the past.” Yes, there is a certain value placed on consistency.  However, that parochial value is vastly outweighed by the need for utility.  We’ve all heard the maxim, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  Well in that same vein, it follows, that, “If it IS broke, fix it ya jackass!”

   Your only true limitations while on this earth are what you can do physically.  You may not be able to slam dunk.  Okay, get over it.  Everything else is a mental game.  With just a few tweaks (doses of reality) regarding the way you perceive yourself and the world around you, it is possible to achieve all that you desire in life. Continue reading

The Perfect Word.

15 Jun

The English Language is Chock-A-Block with Colorful and Illustrative Words That Can Be Used to Describe Any Situation. Below is a List of Some of These Expressively Precise Words That You May Not Know You Always Needed.  Continue reading

“When It Rains, It Pours.”

15 Jun

WHY?!? Because when you are confident, busy and fairly aloof, that is when you are your most attractive.  This concept has nothing to do with being an a-hole or unapproachable, it simply is a result of your self-assured ability to independent.  Think about it, what’s more sexy than a person who is comfortable with themselves and unlike 98% of the population, not desperate. Continue reading

“Appearance is Everything” –  Truth in Cliches

10 Jun

Unfortunately, this is true. You have made up your mind about somebody within the first 5-10 seconds of seeing and or talking to them. Of course eventually one is going to require more depth then looks alone and a good first impression, but you don’t GET the chance to show off your amazing personality and well-roundedness if you don’t make a good enough impression to begin with. Continue reading

Obvious Points That Often Elude Us and Warrant Reminder.

9 Jun

Each of the following points should compel you to say “duh” after reading; but it is quite amazing how we manage to turn a blind eye to the obvious from time to time.


1. People who truly care about you won’t kick you when you’re down. Continue reading

Why You All Up in My Business, Vons??

19 Mar

     LOOK, I get what they are trying to do at Vons with the: “Hello, can I help you find anything” business. Theoretically a great idea. But when you’re bombarded by every single employee within shouting distance asking if you are finding everything ok it becomes a most onerous shopping experience.

   Continue reading

U.S. Prison Overcrowding: Problem Solved.

19 Mar

I was shocked to learn that the United States houses 25% of the world’s prisoners.  Many of the prisons operating at 200% capacity.  This is a serious problem. However, decriminalization of particular drugs, sentencing/parole reform, plus swift and certain punishment would turn that all around.  Continue reading

Great Latin Quotes & Sayings Everyone Should Know.

19 Mar

In vino veritas: (in WEE-no WEH-ree-tuhs).  “In wine there is truth.”  By anonymous.

Sic semper tyrannis!: (sik SEM-per tee-RUN-nees).  “Thus always to tyrants!”  Exclaimed by John Wilkes Booth right before assassinating President Lincoln.

Cogito ergo sum: (KO-ghee-to ER-go soom).  “I think therefore I am.”  Rene Descartes, philosopher. Continue reading

Less is More: Market Theory  Applied to Affection.

19 Mar

Disclaimer: I am certainly not advocating being an asshole-recluse; but explaining a basic human behavior, its general effects and the motives behind it. There is a time and place for everything, and always in moderation.

     The basic principle is that the less you give, affection, praise, material gifts, time etc.- the more weight it has when you do.  Think about it. Continue reading

STANDARDS- Make ‘em and Keep ‘em

19 Mar

   For this, I use employ pole-vaulting metaphor. You have to set standards. There must be a certain level of treatment and respect that you demand from everyone in your life—especially anyone you are dating and so on. If you don’t raise the bar, so to speak, and require to be treated with the utmost care and respect, you won’t get it. Naturally people are lazy and inclined to put in the minimal amount of effort required to attaining a goal. And generally it makes sense, why spend more time and effort than necessary? Afterall, “time is money.”  Continue reading

Hyde Lounge- Staples Center

19 Mar

The new Hyde Lounge at the Staples Center is the perfect, and I now feel ONLY, way to watch a sporting event (aside from front row seats).  You get to view the game from what would otherwise be a luxury box for a fraction of the price.  Ex. $15 admission for a Kings game. However, it’s more than that.
Continue reading

“Frenemies w/Benefits.”

19 Mar

Definition: A friend of the opposite sex that you generally despise and can’t stand to be around but somehow end up hooking up with from time to time.  (Usually after a long day/night of drinking).

“Step Off Crazy Old Lady.”

19 Mar

“Step Off Crazy Old Lady.”  A poetic tribute to my neighbor. A true story.

There lives an old lady across from my place. She seems kinda crazy, pretty sure that’s the case.  She stopped me one time to show me her door, complaining of invisible dust particles, as if someone placed them there- don’t worry, there’s more. 

Took her a good ten minutes to explain the dust thing to me before not so subtly implying that I was a part of this grand conspiracy.  I smiled and nodded just trying to get the hell outta there, which was about the time she warned me that Satan was bad…with a most meaningful stare. Continue reading

My Favorite JDSM Quotes

18 Mar

Admittedly narcissistic, here is a collection of some of my most favorite lines that I’ve come up with over the years.  Yes, these are 100% original statements coined by me, J.D. St. Michaels.  Some are just well-worded observations, some thought-provoking positions, and others just plain silly.  Hope you enjoy them as much as my friends and I have–

Droppin’ Knowledge

  • How to fix the U.S. Economy.  Three-words: De-criminalize, regulate & tax.

  • If you have to explain, your joke wasn’t funny.

  • Never lie to protect yourself from a truth that wasn’t hurting you.

  • All’s fair in love, war, and poker.

  • A well-provided for people never harbor inclinations to declare war.

  • When you’re given the out, show a little respect and take it. Continue reading

Some Babies Are Pricks.

17 Mar

    Ok, look- I know you’re supposed to think that all babies are cute, but really, they aren’t.  Hey, I’m sorry, I guess I have discerning taste when it comes to babies. If you want me to think you’re cute, you’ve gotta bring something to the table here.  

      The worst though is ugly babies.  And you know what I’m talkin about. Ugly babies.  Because let me tell you, some of these babies are straight jacked.  That’s not me, thats just a fact.

   But what kills me is that it’s always the parents of ugly children who are the first to pull out their wallet-pictures and shove them in your face.  How awkward is that moment??  Here you’ve got this 1×2 photo of this cross-eyed, snaggle-toothed, Jabba the Hut lookin’ creature and then the proud wide-eyed mother standing there on the edge of her seat waiting for the obligatory “Awww, how cute!!”

I can’t do it lady.  I just can’t.  I don’t know what other people have told you, but this is real bad.  Take it back.  Here, seriously.  Yuck!

Continue reading

Top 6 Relationship Deal-Breakers.

17 Mar

1.  Excessive Jealousy/Insecurity.  Usually they go hand in hand.  You’ll never be able to win with this person, so just don’t even go there.

2. Bad Sniffs. You absolutely must like they way they smell. Yes, even when they’re funky–especially when they’re funky; cuz that’s gonna happen.  If you don’t, it’s never gonna work out.  True story.

3. Bad Sleeps.  Where you just can’t sleep well next to someone.  No matter how hard you try the puzzle pieces are not fitting together and you’re left spending your night flopping around like a fish out of water.  Let me tell you, this is NOT going to be long-lasting relationship.

4. Extreme Selfishness. The “All About ME!” mentality isn’t going to change.  Jump ship!

5. Unneccessary Lying.  Lying when there is no conceivable purpose to hide the truth??  Whoa!   This person is clearly a psychopath.  Get the EFF outta there and if applicable, think about changing your locks.

6. Serial Cheating. Once can be chalked up to human error. Anything more than that is a lifestyle.

*Not in any particular order.

U.S. Foreign Aid: How About We Secure OUR Oxygen Masks First??

12 Mar

   Call me crazy, but shouldn’t CA and the US put our money towards fixing our own economic crises: providing jobs, food and shelter to its tax-paying citizens before shelling out millions to aid every country hit by a natural disaster??  Trust me, we have PLENTY of starving people without homes, clothing, clean water, and… medical supplies right here in America.  Just throwin’ that out there-

PS: You don’t believe me??  Take a stroll down Skid Row. Continue reading


10 Mar

Definition: A contraction for “photo-acting.”  Meaning the practice of taking staged photos. 

Example: "Whatcha gonna do??"

Lessons from 500 Days of Summer.

5 Mar

Entertaining and bittersweet, this artsy non-love story is was filmed on location in our very own and beautiful downtown Los Angeles.  If there are two general love-related lessons that can be taken from this movie, they would be:

1. Read the signals, it’s usually not that complicated to tell how someone feels about you.

2. Be happy with what others can and want to give you. Don’t demand or expect more (because it never works).

Co-authored by: G.H.

The California Bar: 30% Law, 20% Composure, 50% Point Headings.

19 Feb


  Here is what I hate most about taking the Bar: You must necessarily be 110% selfish.  No one on the outside ever really understands that.   Grounds clearly not ripe for a nascent relationship. 

   Not to mention the concomitant stress that only grows as the day comes near; realizing that you have spent 3 years and unbelievable sweat, blood and tears for a mere 18 hour exam that will either validate your sacrifices or leave you $250,000.00 in debt and looking for a new career.  Continue reading

PAYING IT FORWARD. One Random Act  of Kindness Per Diem.

13 Feb

   What a brilliant concept.  Really.  I mean to any good natured person it seems easy and obvious; but in the rush of our busy lives I think we all too often forget to live outside ourselves.  Even if momentarily.
   If we were to set the goal of doing even just one kind act for a stranger each day, I truly believe it would start to catch on and make a difference.  I’m not proposing you go out and get your ass beat like the Sixth Sense kid; a simple smile will do.  It really is contagious, though. 

The Exclusionary Rule

13 Feb

In Re: Exclusionary Rule as a Check and Deterrent

113 U.S. 82 (2009)

CHIEF JUSTICE ST. MICHAELS delivered the opinion of the Court.

   Excluding evidence that is procured by violating the 4th Amendment is the strongest shield we have to protect against unlawful searches and seizures.  Those who argue that only the guilty benefit from this protection naively insult the very purpose of the 4th Amendment.  There can be no doubt that our founding fathers passed the 4th Amendment not to protect murderers and thieves from unreasonable searches and seizures, but to protect the innocent.  Continue reading

L.A. Lunch Dates

13 Feb

The Porch Restaurant (House of Blues), Sunset Strip. Delicious down-home Cajun style cooking served in a vibrant Louisiana country-house veranda type setting. The Pan-Seared Voodoo Shrimp and White Chocolate Banana Bread Pudding are to die for!! 

Terrific L.A. Date Ideas

13 Feb

The Magic Castle. An evening of magical enchantment. If you can find a way to get invited to this up-scale highly exclusive member’s only club, it is an experience you will never forget. Magic and mystery exist at every turn in this extravagant and whimsical establishment.

Continue reading

What’s NOT OK:

13 Feb

What’s NOT OK:   <–Click here for a list of  What’s NOT OK.

CORRECTION: Being 100 lbs. Overweight Does Not Make You “Curvy,” It Makes You Obese.

12 Feb

   “Big is Beautiful” “Real Women Have Curves” “The Body was Not Designed to Look Like That”

   Everyone’s heard Tyra’s “kiss my fat ass” comment (who is and was not fat btw) or women like Mo’Nique talk about how “real women have curves” and how she loves her body etc. etc..

  Ok, look. If you want to be fat, go ahead, be fat and happy. Santa rocks that look. More power to you.  Or you know, if you have a particular disease or other physical ailment which causes weight gain, that’s fine. Everyone wants to be comfortable in their skin. Continue reading


12 Feb

FUNIANI (fun-ee-AN-ee) pl. noun:  Joe Pescie ala Good Fellas inspired collective noun for the kind of people who crack jokes. Usually used disparagingly.  Those who constantly attempt humor, often to the point of annoyance.


(From Good Fellas) “I’m funny how? I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I’m here to f*ckin’ amuse you? What do you mean funny?? Funny how? How am I funny??”


Correspondingly, one might say: “Hey this f*ckin guy. What are you? You think you’re funny??  What are you, part of the funiani?? You think you got jokes? Who the f*ck is this guy?!??”


12 Feb

     Sometimes the best thing you can do is simply go through the motions. “Baby steps” if I may pull that from What About Bob. But its true. Sometimes you need to just get through something by taking baby steps. That is, focus less on the big picture and superfluous details, put one foot in front of another, and simply tackle one thing at a time.
When times get tough, sometimes all you can do is put one foot i Continue reading


7 Feb

   It is the No. 1 fear of Americans. Death is second. As Jerry Seinfeld would say, “…that means, if you are at a funeral, you’d rather be the person in the box than giving the speech.”

   Lord knows it can certainly feel that way. And I’m not talking to the people who “sometimes get butterflies.” I’m talking to the people who dread giving a speech months in advance, who will do anything to get out of speaking or reading in class or who forget to breathe and have to catch their breath mid-speech. Continue reading

Most BAD-ASS Action Hero

6 Feb

My Favorite Playlists

20 Dec

   Below you will find a few descriptively entitled playlists that I have perfected for myself over the years.  I am in no way claiming these to be definitive lists of any kind, nor does each song contained within a list necessarily fit the technical genre description, but I’m sure you’ll get the gist. 

   Anyway, I’m told I have a fairly good taste in music and the configuring of playlists so I am posting a few of my favorites should anyone find them helpful.  I welcome feedback and am certainly open to suggested additions. Enjoy! Continue reading


7 Dec

DIATUS (dye-ey-tuhs) noun: Also known as a “dating-hiatus.”  A temporary break from one’s dating or love life.

   Recently I have come to the conclusion that the dating system is flawed.  At least for those who swim in the post-grad pool. 

   Here’s how it used to work: You have classes with someone,  run in the same circles, or have some other organic social connection that provides ample interaction and the ability to get to know and befriend that person first; and out of that pre-established compatibility develops romance. Continue reading

Thank You Board

26 Oct

Open forum to give thanks & proper credit where due. Even if its a stranger at the grocery store, you never know, they might see it one day… So feel free to boost your karma and throw it out there-

via Thank You Board.

See also: PAYING IT FORWARD. One Random Act  of Kindness Per Diem.

The NCAA is Out of Control.

15 Oct

Funny illustration of the above point.  It should be noted that there’s much, MUCH more ridiculousness to the story however.

NCAA Animated Spoof

The Best Italian Is Served With Love

7 Oct

Osteria La Buca. 

Some of the best Italian I have had, well…EVER.  The Bruschetta Trio is guaranteed to delight even the most stubborn taste buds.  The Papardelle Fume embodies the zenith of savory flavor without being too rich to clean your plate (which you will). The salmon is light, full of flavor, and served atop a yogurt, mint, dill sauce- an astoundingly satisfying dish for the calories saved.  The ambiance is cozy and quaint.  The service is impeccable. The pasta is handmade. The cocktails are mixed to perfection. You will definitely want to make reservations because this small Melrose restaurant fills to the brim by about 7:30. I prefer the upstairs seating near the fireplace.

As if I needed to sell this place any further, I wanted to mention that the restaurant has very generously teamed up with the Susan G. Komen foundation and will be donating its October profits to the charity in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

5210 melrose ave.
los angeles, ca 90038

See also: BOTTEGA LOUIE., Dan Tana’s Restaurant.

Random Thoughts & Observations

4 Oct

Alcohol consumption, the #1 cause of not knowing the name of the person you wake up next to.

Why is Samuel L. Jackson in EVERY movie EVER made??

Riddle Me This: Why does almost every super hero or his girlfriend work for a newspaper??
Aww, isn’t it nice that “Dog” the Bounty Hunter and his wife clearly go to the same hairdresser?? (Aka, Clorox Bleach and Aqua Net).

Mtv’s Teen Cribs aka, “My parents house.”

Jupiter Takes Over the Night Sky During September: Rising in the East at Nightfall, Setting in the West Just Before Daybreak.

23 Sep

Jupiter making closest approach to Earth in nearly 50 years, will be most visible Monday night

(Be sure to check the sky chart below which gives the real-time position of Jupiter and the stars in the Los Angeles sky)


AP Aerospace Writer

3:14 PM PDT, September 17, 2010

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Better catch Jupiter next week in the night sky. It won’t be that big or bright again until 2022.http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2010/15sep_jupiter/

Jupiter will pass 368 million miles from Earth late Monday, its closest approach since 1963. You can see it low in the east around dusk. Around midnight, it will be directly overhead. That’s because Earth will be passing between Jupiter and the sun, into the wee hours of Tuesday. Continue reading

Law & Order: Los Angeles.

21 Sep

It’s about damn time they came here.  New York isn’t the only place with crime ya know.  Plus we have Hollywood/celebrity crime and shenanigans.  So take that, Waterston!  To live and die in L.A….well, that’s for these guys to figure out (klink-klink!):  LAW AND ORDER: LOS ANGELES

Covell- Wine Bar

21 Sep

Only a few months old, Covell is a very small but intimate wine bar where the bartenders get to know you, figure out what you like, and present you with numerous tasters until you find the wine of your choosing.  In the Los Feliz area, and offers about 4 savory french snacks including croque-monsieur, cheese plate, and an antipasto type plate (yes, I realize not French, but don’t recall the French name for it).  Excellent service.  Their schtick is that you don’t buy a glass until you are satisfied.  Plus the bartenders are a wealth of recommendations.  Fun, tasty and intoxicating (literally).  Two thumbs up.

4628 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90027-5408
(323) 660-4400

Reading Body Language: By Nick Morgan

20 Sep

The Truth Behind the Smile and Other Myths – When Body Language Lies

Being able to read “nonverbal communication”—body language—is essential in business dealings. Problem is, we usually interpret a smile or lack of eye contact through an emotional screen, not a scientific one. Sometimes a smile is a sign of happiness—and sometimes it’s a flash of contempt. Here is what modern communications science has to say about the myths of body language.

by Nick Morgan Continue reading

Dear Reggie: 6 Years Late, Millions Short.

16 Sep

Oh, so I read today that you are going to voluntarily give back the Heisman??  That’s so noble of you, Reggie.  Hey, so while you’re in a giving mood, how about you “voluntarily” give back the millions of dollars you cost USC when you decided to be a selfish a-hole and knowingly violate NCAA rules.  And clever guy, you even managed to hide your shady dealings from your coach and everyone else at the school thereby leaving them and only them on the hook for your misdeeds.  Continue reading

Trendy & Upscale L.A. Dining

15 Sep

Located in prime Beverly Hills real estate, this restaurant certainly lives up to its name. The decor is classy yet thought provoking (note the potted ferns hanging from the pillars above). It is the food, however, that truly embodies the namesake. Continue reading

JDSM Dictionary: “Fating”

10 Sep

Fating (fay-ting, verb): Aka fake-dating. The art of keeping in somewhat constant and flirtatious communication with a romantic interest. all the while maintaining minimal physical contact and the ability to date others.

White Fish, Black Fish, Who the F Cares Fish When We all Share the  Same Shrinking  & Polluted Ocean???

8 Sep

   Ok, I’m sorry. I was watching Bill Maher last night and I simply can’t take it anymore.  It’s not just a Bill Maher thing, everyone does it, but the repeat episode I watched last night with guests Philippe Cousteau Jr. (hence my oceanic/ B.P. reference in the title), and Prof. Cornel West, was simply the last straw.  Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, perhaps it was the wine, but I found myself yelling at the panel like, “Wtf does it matter that whatever percent of white v. black families net income has been doing in response to changes in the U.S. economy??”  To me, race is just as significant in a discussion about our failing economy as is some one’s sex, religion, eye color or blood type.

The ARIZONA Debate: How politicians are knowingly misleading the public for their personal gain.

8 Sep

-Mayor Villaraigosa, I hate to say, but the only unconstitutional action within this whole debate is your boycott on the state of Arizona in violation of the Sherman Act-

     Yes, mid-term elections are coming up and both parties are looking to instigate controversy and rile citizens into the voting booths while also gaining favor from the Hispanic community.  Neither of which is a problem, unless of course the controversy is merely a tactical fabrication intended to manipulate the trusting public. Continue reading

FOIF Comedy

28 Aug

Definition: The type of comedy that is “funny on its face.”  That is, requiring no additional knowledge on part of the audience. The humor can be appreciated without knowledge of past events, character relationships, or any other supplemental information.  FOIF comedy is one dimentional and thus more readily understood by the general public, however for that same reason, significantly less funny.  Continue reading

CA Legalization of Marijuana

26 Aug

Answer: Legalization of marijuana.

Question: How do we…
1) solve prison overcrowding, 2) raise revenue for CA’s failing economy, 3) decrease prosecutorial spending, and 4) take a huge piece of the pie from drug dealers profiting on the black market thus also lowering common accompanying crimes??

Ideas for How To Get Off an Impanelled Jury… Or at Least Make Things More Interesting.

26 Aug

  1. Start scratching yourself all over as if you had fleas or some (possibly contagious) skin disease.
  2. During deliberations, take out a tube of bright red lipstick and start putting it all over your face as you stare blankly into space. Continue reading

Is Space Exploration Really a  Priority Right Now??

25 Aug

Ok look. Lord knows I love The Universe series on The History Channel. But given that our debt is in the trillions…Why in the world is our president talking about putting billions of dollars into NASA to explore Mars and deep space? Is this really where our money should be going right now??


25 Aug

   As Spike Lee would say. And by that, I mean being yourself and doing the right thing even when not noticed or appreciated. This type of doing the right thing is a quality of the especially noble. This is a great practice in that it reveals true character. Continue reading

Dan Tana’s Restaurant

25 Aug

Great joint for old school Italian.  Checkered tablecloths, host in full tuxedo, cozy intimate atmostphere, and a virtual guarentee to spot at least one if not two A-list actors. Dan Tana’s is always hoppin’ so I suggest you call a few days in advance and make reservations and be sure to try the spaghetti carbonara! http://www.dantanasrestaurant.com/

Pick Your Poison- Looks AREN’T Everything

25 Aug

Here is why dating in Los Angeles is so challenging. It is because good-looking people (Gap commercial quality and above) generally fall into one of these categories: Continue reading

The Lounge @ the W Hotel- Hollywood

25 Aug

As I walked into the W Lounge on Grammy night this past February, and after exchanging nods with Slash (that’s right), the first thing that came to mind was the movie Scarface.  Something about the 70ft ceilings, larger than life icicle chandelier, and delightfully gaudy red carpeted winding staircase just took me there. Continue reading

Articles You Wanna Read:

8 Jul

What topics would you, the reader, like to see me address?? Try to be as specific as possible, but feel free to hit me with anything. I am always up for a challenge-

Rites of Passage

11 May

   Here are some things you should do at some point in your youth to make you a better, more well rounded person.  Some of these are pretty general, and some, obviously are quite subjective- but if you take care of most or all of this checklist you should at minimum be a fairly interesting person, somewhat cultured, and definitely well rounded.  And being well rounded is something that I don’t think enough people are these days. But those who are make for more interesting friends, lovers- as well as people who are survivors and can adapt and overcome most any obstacles thrown their way.  These are good people to be, and good people to be around. Continue reading

It is for People Like This, I Would Suspend the 8th Amendment in a HEARTBEAT.

2 May

May 1, 2010.
     Though China has purposefully kept the publicity on these events low, this most abhorrent story has now been brought to the forefront of international attention. Continue reading

DISCIPLINE: We aren’t 5-year-olds anymore, so get a grip!

14 Feb

   It’s amazing what a little self-restraint will get you. Really. And if you know this, you have an advantage over everyone else because (a) Most people DON’T have self-restraint, and (b) Most people don’t know the value of it. Continue reading


13 Feb

BOTTEGA LOUIE. The non-L.A., L.A. restaurant. Not only is the food delicious (and surprisingly affordable) but the sixty foot ceilings and large open dining room make you feel like you’re dining in an upscale Manhattan eatery. 
Continue reading