Archive | August, 2011

Why Presidential Term Limits Are Out-Dated and Counter-Productive.

31 Aug

     Term limits were initially put into place for fear of tyranny.  We, as a nation had just fought a brutal battle against our former oppressors across the pond and thus valued democracy and freedom from a single all-controlling entity above all else; and we had come by this honestly.  
     Before invention of the myriad of avenues of communication that now exist, the concern that one person might pull the puppet strings of our government  behind a curtain of secrecy and without limitation was certainly viable.  However, in this “information age” where mass media,  and public scrutiny are at their zenith, the fear that any one person could evade answering to the will of the people is simply atavistic.  If anything, we are all too quick to force resignation upon our public officials for “sexting” and other scandalous affairs.   Continue reading

The Emergency Tracheotomy: Something Everyone Should Know…Just in Case.

17 Aug

How to Perform an Emergency Tracheotomy

This procedure, technically called a cricothyroidotomy, should be undertaken only when a person with a throat obstruction is not able to breathe at all-no gasping sounds, no coughing-and only after you have attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver three times without dislodging the obstruction. If possible, someone should call for paramedics while you proceed. Continue reading

How to Quit Your Job. (With Class.)

15 Aug

Now, this can often be a fairly awkward situation as it sometimes feels like a break-up.  However, it doesn’t have to be.  Here’s what you do.

  1. Two weeks notice. Make sure you give the standard two-weeks notice or the otherwise reasonable amount of time depending on your particular job.  Of course, make sure that you have all your ducks in a row before leaving.  Your quitting shouldn’t leave your employer up shit-creek without a paddle.
  2. Do it at the end of the day.  This minimizes awkwardness, ensures time and attention, and will give your boss the rest of the evening to digest the situation.
  3. Be positive, smiling and energetic.  As the initiator, you have the power to set the tone of the meeting. So make it positive!! No need to start things off on a negative, awkward tone.  Set the tone with a smile and get them on board with your excitement.  In essence, no matter what you actually think their reaction will be, go into it with the attitude that they should be just as excited about this as you are– it would take a real heart of stone to resist mirroring your enthusiasm.
  4. The explanation. No need to go into a whole prolix speech about your reasons for leaving, keep it light and positive.  You can even play it like you weren’t looking but this wonderful opportunity just fell into your lap.  Here are some great phrases to keep it positive and avoid any potential for hurt feelings. Mix and match as you please… Continue reading