Tag Archives: Sports

Hyde Lounge- Staples Center

19 Mar

The new Hyde Lounge at the Staples Center is the perfect, and I now feel ONLY, way to watch a sporting event (aside from front row seats).  You get to view the game from what would otherwise be a luxury box for a fraction of the price.  Ex. $15 admission for a Kings game. However, it’s more than that.
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The NCAA is Out of Control.

15 Oct

Funny illustration of the above point.  It should be noted that there’s much, MUCH more ridiculousness to the story however.

NCAA Animated Spoof

Dear Reggie: 6 Years Late, Millions Short.

16 Sep

Oh, so I read today that you are going to voluntarily give back the Heisman??  That’s so noble of you, Reggie.  Hey, so while you’re in a giving mood, how about you “voluntarily” give back the millions of dollars you cost USC when you decided to be a selfish a-hole and knowingly violate NCAA rules.  And clever guy, you even managed to hide your shady dealings from your coach and everyone else at the school thereby leaving them and only them on the hook for your misdeeds.  Continue reading