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4 Priceless Tenets to Live By

4 Aug

1. When in doubt, say nothing.


2. Trust that “gut feeling”. Your subconscious picks up on so much more than you realize.


3. With rare exception, less is almost always more. You can always add in the future, but never subtract from the past.


4. Try to please everyone and you please no one. Always do what YOU feel is correct.


Great Advice — Controlling Your Reality

25 Dec

“I have nothing” can just as easily be turned into “I have nothing to lose.” Frame your life for success.

The Emergency Tracheotomy: Something Everyone Should Know…Just in Case.

17 Aug

How to Perform an Emergency Tracheotomy

This procedure, technically called a cricothyroidotomy, should be undertaken only when a person with a throat obstruction is not able to breathe at all-no gasping sounds, no coughing-and only after you have attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver three times without dislodging the obstruction. If possible, someone should call for paramedics while you proceed. Continue reading

How to Quit Your Job. (With Class.)

15 Aug

Now, this can often be a fairly awkward situation as it sometimes feels like a break-up.  However, it doesn’t have to be.  Here’s what you do.

  1. Two weeks notice. Make sure you give the standard two-weeks notice or the otherwise reasonable amount of time depending on your particular job.  Of course, make sure that you have all your ducks in a row before leaving.  Your quitting shouldn’t leave your employer up shit-creek without a paddle.
  2. Do it at the end of the day.  This minimizes awkwardness, ensures time and attention, and will give your boss the rest of the evening to digest the situation.
  3. Be positive, smiling and energetic.  As the initiator, you have the power to set the tone of the meeting. So make it positive!! No need to start things off on a negative, awkward tone.  Set the tone with a smile and get them on board with your excitement.  In essence, no matter what you actually think their reaction will be, go into it with the attitude that they should be just as excited about this as you are– it would take a real heart of stone to resist mirroring your enthusiasm.
  4. The explanation. No need to go into a whole prolix speech about your reasons for leaving, keep it light and positive.  You can even play it like you weren’t looking but this wonderful opportunity just fell into your lap.  Here are some great phrases to keep it positive and avoid any potential for hurt feelings. Mix and match as you please… Continue reading

*Ask J.D.* – Giving Thoughtful  Advice on ANY TOPIC.

22 Jun

*Ask J.D.*

(Click *Ask J.D.* above to enter)

Trouble at home, work, wherever?? Just need general advice? Have any questions about one of my posts or need further clarification/explanation??  Do share.  I am happy to help.

“Ask J.D.” is an advice column by J.D. St. Michaels that covers an array of topics.  Offering realistic guidance and advice  for all of the obstacles life tends to throw at us.

Ex. Relationships, Work, Communication, School, Life…

13 Excellent and EASY Ways to Lift Your Mood When Life Hands You Lemons.

18 Jun

  …and no, making lemonade isn’t one of them.  F*ck lemonade.  Here’s what you do-

   Quick Disclaimer: There is a lot more science and psychology behind many of these tips I’m about to give you, but being that I am neither vying for a Pulitzer nor trying to bore you to death, I am going to spare you most of that business and just hit you with it.  That work??  Great.  Here are some things you can do to instantly lift your mood. They work, and the more the merrier (so to speak). Ehem.

   Number one…

1. Force a Smile; Fake a Laugh. As silly as this sounds, it’s been scientifically proven that both smiling and laughter produce mood lifting chemicals in the brain…and so does FAKING it! No joke.  This physiological reaction is so deeply engrained in your system that even a fake smile, or fake laughter will trigger the release of serotonin, endorphins along with other mood and health boosting chemicals.

2. Smell the Roses.  Yes, certain scents can quickly and easily lift your mood.  The smell of fresh roses is a prime example.  Splurge and buy yourself a bouquet, it adds to the decor of any room, and you can take a big whiff every time you pass by. Also try: Rosemary, Basil, or Mint. Continue reading

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life.

18 Jun

We all know the classic maxim, “Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.”  Well think and act like the person you want to be.  Who is to tell you you’re wrong??

“Wait, you’re not an outgoing person.”

“I’m being outgoing now, aren’t I?”

   The phrase, “That’s not me,” is a logical fallacy.  What one is really saying is, “That is not the kind of choice I have made in the past.” Yes, there is a certain value placed on consistency.  However, that parochial value is vastly outweighed by the need for utility.  We’ve all heard the maxim, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  Well in that same vein, it follows, that, “If it IS broke, fix it ya jackass!”

   Your only true limitations while on this earth are what you can do physically.  You may not be able to slam dunk.  Okay, get over it.  Everything else is a mental game.  With just a few tweaks (doses of reality) regarding the way you perceive yourself and the world around you, it is possible to achieve all that you desire in life. Continue reading

The Perfect Word.

15 Jun

The English Language is Chock-A-Block with Colorful and Illustrative Words That Can Be Used to Describe Any Situation. Below is a List of Some of These Expressively Precise Words That You May Not Know You Always Needed.  Continue reading

Obvious Points That Often Elude Us and Warrant Reminder.

9 Jun

Each of the following points should compel you to say “duh” after reading; but it is quite amazing how we manage to turn a blind eye to the obvious from time to time.


1. People who truly care about you won’t kick you when you’re down. Continue reading

Great Latin Quotes & Sayings Everyone Should Know.

19 Mar

In vino veritas: (in WEE-no WEH-ree-tuhs).  “In wine there is truth.”  By anonymous.

Sic semper tyrannis!: (sik SEM-per tee-RUN-nees).  “Thus always to tyrants!”  Exclaimed by John Wilkes Booth right before assassinating President Lincoln.

Cogito ergo sum: (KO-ghee-to ER-go soom).  “I think therefore I am.”  Rene Descartes, philosopher. Continue reading

The California Bar: 30% Law, 20% Composure, 50% Point Headings.

19 Feb


  Here is what I hate most about taking the Bar: You must necessarily be 110% selfish.  No one on the outside ever really understands that.   Grounds clearly not ripe for a nascent relationship. 

   Not to mention the concomitant stress that only grows as the day comes near; realizing that you have spent 3 years and unbelievable sweat, blood and tears for a mere 18 hour exam that will either validate your sacrifices or leave you $250,000.00 in debt and looking for a new career.  Continue reading

PAYING IT FORWARD. One Random Act  of Kindness Per Diem.

13 Feb

   What a brilliant concept.  Really.  I mean to any good natured person it seems easy and obvious; but in the rush of our busy lives I think we all too often forget to live outside ourselves.  Even if momentarily.
   If we were to set the goal of doing even just one kind act for a stranger each day, I truly believe it would start to catch on and make a difference.  I’m not proposing you go out and get your ass beat like the Sixth Sense kid; a simple smile will do.  It really is contagious, though. 


12 Feb

     Sometimes the best thing you can do is simply go through the motions. “Baby steps” if I may pull that from What About Bob. But its true. Sometimes you need to just get through something by taking baby steps. That is, focus less on the big picture and superfluous details, put one foot in front of another, and simply tackle one thing at a time.
When times get tough, sometimes all you can do is put one foot i Continue reading


7 Feb

   It is the No. 1 fear of Americans. Death is second. As Jerry Seinfeld would say, “…that means, if you are at a funeral, you’d rather be the person in the box than giving the speech.”

   Lord knows it can certainly feel that way. And I’m not talking to the people who “sometimes get butterflies.” I’m talking to the people who dread giving a speech months in advance, who will do anything to get out of speaking or reading in class or who forget to breathe and have to catch their breath mid-speech. Continue reading

Reading Body Language: By Nick Morgan

20 Sep

The Truth Behind the Smile and Other Myths – When Body Language Lies

Being able to read “nonverbal communication”—body language—is essential in business dealings. Problem is, we usually interpret a smile or lack of eye contact through an emotional screen, not a scientific one. Sometimes a smile is a sign of happiness—and sometimes it’s a flash of contempt. Here is what modern communications science has to say about the myths of body language.

by Nick Morgan Continue reading


25 Aug

   As Spike Lee would say. And by that, I mean being yourself and doing the right thing even when not noticed or appreciated. This type of doing the right thing is a quality of the especially noble. This is a great practice in that it reveals true character. Continue reading

DISCIPLINE: We aren’t 5-year-olds anymore, so get a grip!

14 Feb

   It’s amazing what a little self-restraint will get you. Really. And if you know this, you have an advantage over everyone else because (a) Most people DON’T have self-restraint, and (b) Most people don’t know the value of it. Continue reading